

Since each client is unique, each session is too. We work together to determine what you need, and we adjust as we go. For some, we access and identify feelings; for others, we focus on managing feelings in healthier ways. Sometimes it’s about examining and making choices. And most everyone can benefit from learning to communicate more effectively. My goal is for each client to leave therapy with relief from immediate struggles and skills to handle what’s to come.


Ongoing, indefinite therapy is typically unnecessary.  Most clients start every week, or every other week, and maintain that frequency until they feel some improvement. In time, clients often taper to less frequent sessions or periodic check-ins. Some take a break and come back months or years later, if something more surfaces. I always prioritize returning clients and referrals.


My office is on SE Belmont. I offer virtual sessions or in person (when available) for those who prefer. 

My schedule changes a bit each quarter, but I’m usually in Monday through Thursday typically 9-5; appointments 2:30 and later are typically waitlisted. I work a few Fridays each month until 2, again typically waitlisted. I do not work weekends. Email me for most current availability.